Course Description

Greetings and welcome to Perfecting the Saints for the Work of Ministry aka Perfecting School. Our goals at the Perfecting School is to prepare, perfect and equip God’s people by building or strengthening their foundation in the Word of God. Keep in mind that this course is only the beginning, we plan to launch modules and in person courses focused on the creative arts. This way, graduates interested in pursuing creative arts (film, tv, stage, music, multimedia, and art) will have a firm foundation in the God’s word, God’s will, and God’s way.

Seven pillars that govern the Perfecting School, they are:

Preparation— The action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration. It can take years to discover God’s perfect will, plan, and purpose for one’s life. This makes preparation in all areas of ministry of vital importance. Jesus developed His Disciples into generalists and they were able to fulfill whatever He called them to do (2 Timothy 2:15).

Education— Information is crucial in every area of life. People trust doctors, lawyers, and other professionals because they have been taught well, this also applies to servants of the Lord Jesus Christ (Proverbs 1:7).

Revelation— An act of revealing or communicating divine truth; that which is revealed by God to man. The entire Bible is God’s revealed truth, but God continues to reveal present day truths and His secrets to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7).

Activation— To make active, to set in motion or to make more active. A credit or debit card is just a piece of plastic with no value, no use or benefit to it’s holder until it is activated, this also applies to the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ (James 1:23-25).

Demonstration— The action or process of showing the existence or truth of something by giving proof or evidence. Make disciples, heal the sick, cleans the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils, prophesy, counsel, pray, preach, teach, receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and more; in class, in church, in the marketplace, and throughout the world (1 Corinthians 2:4)!

Graduation— Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies. Students who fulfill all requirements receive a certificate of completion (Daniel 2:48-49).

Ordination— Appoint. Jesus ordained or appointed the twelve as Disciples (Mark 3:14) and sent them as Apostles (Matthew 10:5-8). Students who are both called and chosen will be ordained according to their professed calling from Jesus (Ephesians 4:11) or their positional calling as they desire based on Biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7).

Mark David Kennerly

Ministry School Founder

In 2014 the Spirit of God challenged, Pastor Mark David Kennerly to create a course to help followers of Jesus Christ build a foundation in the Word of God. Mark David was obedient and Perfecting the Saints for the Work of Ministry, aka Perfecting School, was launched in 2015. Perfecting School has since graduated five classes, the sixth is coming, and ordained dozens of servants of the Lord.

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Live Classes

Date : Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time and Duration : 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM (90 Minutes )
Time Zone : Eastern Daylight Time
Datacenter Region : US East (New York)

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